**WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP** ====== WOOYOO ====== **WOOYOO** is a physical DEC BA23 box with a split personality; it can run RSX-11M-PLUS, or VAX/VMS, and which one it is running at any given time is generally random chance. If you need one or the other let me know, but if I am actively testing or working on something you will have to wait for a switch. **WOOYOO** is available on HECnet at 27.101, so you can log in that way if it is available to you. Just ''SET HOST WOOYOO'' and log in. ==== RSX-11 ==== The RSX distribution in use is [[http://mim.stupi.net/pidp.htm|bqt's PiDP-11 distribution]]. It is a complete installation of RSX11M+ v4.6 with patches and updates you will not find in the original distribution. It has two 8GB MSCP disks available, with ''DU0:'' being the system disk (''SY:'') and ''DU1:'' being a user data disk (''UD:''). This should be more than sufficient but just in case the [[https://retrocmp.com/projects/qbone/313-qbone-introduction|Qbone]] is capable of emulating multiple MSCP controllers with 4 disks per controller, so needless to say there will always be disk space available. :) **WOOYOO** has a full suite of software including programming languages, debugging tools, games, and more. The full list of available software is [[http://mim.stupi.net/rpmpkg|here]]; generally speaking everything in this list should be installed, but I cannot promise I will be 100% current at all times. If something is available via RPM and you want it, just let me know! ==== First steps ==== First off, it is worth noting that there is a wonderful [[http://mim.stupi.net/manuals/RSX/rsxguide.pdf|RSX-11 Guide for Users]] that will give you a much more holistic understanding of the system and make you much more comfortable overall. I will cover the basics you need to know to use the system and write and compile code, but it is really recommended that you take an hour or so and read through the guide for a proper understanding. RSX-11 is a powerful system! That being said, RSX-11 is a lot like VMS, so if you are familiar with that it will not take much getting used to. When you first log into an RSX-11 system you will be presented with the ''>'' prompt, which indicates that you are at an MCR (Monitor Console Routine) prompt. This is one of two command line interpreters available on RSX-11, but before concerning yourself with that you need to get logged in. This is accomplished via the ''HELLO'' command, which accepts a username as an argument. So, at the prompt, issue: ''>hello user'' Or, since RSX-11 commands can be abbreviated: ''>hel user'' The system will respond with a password prompt, and you will provide your password. Once accepted the system login banner will print and any commands in your ''LOGIN.CMD'' will execute before you are presented with your CLI prompt. It is also possible to authenticate with your username and password in one go: ''>hel user/notreal!'' Unless you have requested otherwise you will be dropped into the DCL (Digital Command Language) prompt, as indicated by the ''$''. As mentioned before MCR is also available, but it is much less friendly to beginners and as such is not recommended unless you are an experienced RSX-11 user. Still, if you wish to give it a try, simply issue: ''$ set mcr'' Your prompt will change to the ''>'' chevron, and your prompt is now MCR. If you want to change back, just do the reverse: ''>set /dcl=ti:'' If necessary, you can also execute a command in MCR from DCL (or vice versa) by just prefacing the command with the desired interpreter: ''$ mcr test'' When you're all done, just tell the system ''bye'' and it will log you out. ==== Using the system ==== When you log in, you will be in your UFD, or User File Directory. This is your personal named directory for all of your personal documents and code. RSX-11 does not have the concept of subdirectories; a valid directory entry can look like: [200,200] .; using a uic, relative to disk LB:[LBD] .; a UFD, using a logical DU1:[USER] .; using a device name This means that your UFD is a flat filesystem, a bucket that just has all of your files in it. One nice feature of FILES-11 is that each file change is versioned, meaning that when you edit and save a file you are just creating a new version of that file. In RSX-11 a semicolon (;) indicates a file version, for example ''login.cmd;7'' would indicate that there are 7 total revisions of the ''login.cmd'' file. The latest version is always the most recent version of the file. In general there won't be much reason for you to leave your user area, but you can use ''set default'' to do so- it is the equivalent of ''cd'' on a *nix system. When you change your default you are now working with files inside that directory. File specifications in FILES-11 are in 9.3 format, meaning a filename can be 0-9 alphanumeric characters and a file extension can be 0-3 alphanumeric characters, with a dot separator. File extensions are generally arbitrary (and optional), but there are some standards: ext | description ----|--------------------------------- BAS | BASIC source B2S | BASIC-PLUS-2 source CBL | COBOL source CMD | indirect command file FTN | FORTRAN-4 or -77 source LST | a listing file MAC | MACRO-11 source OBJ | an object (compiled source) OLB | an object library TSK | a task image (executable binary) TXT | plaintext You have access to a few editors, in order of functionality and general ease-of-use: * NEMA - an Emacs clone, modern and functional * EDT - the standard DEC editor, functions in line mode by default but can operate in full-screen WYSIWYG mode * KED - the Keypad EDitor, requires a keyboard with numpad and a properly emulated VT100 session to be usable * TECO - here be dragons. Check ignition and god's love be with you. As mentioned, EDT will automatically start in line editing mode, but type ''c'' and hit enter at the prompt to enter character editing mode. It is possible to do this by default with a file called ''EDTINI.EDT'' in your UFD- this is covered [[dec:pdp11:rsx11:odds_and_ends|here]], among a few other useful tips.